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Clifton Avenue,Finchley, N3

Situated in the heart of Church End and conveniently located within minutes walk of Finchley Central...

Click here to read Clifton Avenue,Finchley, N3.

Derwent Avenue,Barnet, EN4

Situated on a corner plot in a peaceful residential neighbourhood in this popular tree lined location...

Click here to read Derwent Avenue,Barnet, EN4.

Four Tet All Dayer10th August 2024

Returning for a third time to the beautiful treelined carriageway within Finsbury Park - Four Tet's All Dayer.

Click here to read Four Tet All Dayer10th August 2024.

Which emotions compel us to buy a new home?


Home is not just a collection of bricks and mortar, it’s a place that evokes and witnesses a lot of emotion, and this makes it unique amongst all our worldly possessions. The ability to contain our lives and those things that belong to us, such as paintings, memories, and feelings ushered in by the colour schemes of its interior, are some of home’s many special powers. The impact of the location of your home and its surroundings, for an eternity of reasons, from the beautiful countryside to friends, family, or love for a location, is profound.

There are few things in life more exciting than moving to a new home. The list of reasons why you are so excited is uniquely yours, and your perfect property will reflect this. From the way you decorate it, to the stuff you own, that tells the story of your life. Your home should make you feel welcome from the moment you see it. Maybe you adore your new kitchen for a thousand reasons, including how it makes you feel. It’s character, the view of the garden, or its modern design.

This innate human emotion moves us all to act, and finding a home you really want will fill you with the desire to own it. If you view a property and you really like everything about it, and feel that you can improve it, by adding your own creativity, then the chances are you will want to make an offer. Buying the property that adds so much to the quality of your life opens the gateway to so many more positive emotions.

Making the perfect home for your loved ones is one of the most powerful and greatest feelings in the world. Are you in the lucky position of buying a home for a relative to keep them safe or moving to the house for your family to grow? Sharing our lives with a partner in the right home is blissful and intoxicating, and the right property adds to this more than most people realize. You should also love your home; from the little characterful details to the fundamentals, good homes have a built-in power to inspire love.

Homes have the uncanny ability to make us feel happy, and they can do this in so many ways. If you feel you have enough space and love the way your home looks and feels, then you are well on your way to creating happy lives within it. Happy memories are priceless, and when you get down to the basics of life, there is not much else that matters quite as much. There is a lot to think about when finding your happy place, from your home’s location to its energy efficiency.

Safety and security
You want to feel safe, secure and satisfied that your home is a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of the world outside. Relaxation is vital to keep you stress-free so you can think and plan your life clearly. This will allow you to enjoy those special moments that become enhanced by the features of a great home. From a mesmerising outdoor living space to relax in, a cosy fireplace, or a nicely decorated home that makes you feel good.

This can be as powerful as many positive emotions. If you are currently living in a home where you feel trapped because you are tripping over things, that is enough to make you want to move! Maybe it’s time to buy your first home because it’s you who is getting in the way, and you want to enjoy a greater feeling of independence! Are you moving to a better area or a home with a better garden? Maybe you need more bedrooms or have too many and want to buy something smaller.

Do you want a property that makes you feel amazing? Get in touch today.

Key property terms to know before you buy

Buying a property can be a logistical minefield, and you may stumble across several industry terms that you aren’t familiar with. Whether you’re a first-time buyer, a second stepper or a seasoned homeowner seeking new horizons, use this guide to equip you with all the essential homebuying jargon.

Agreement in principle (AIP)
An agreement in principle is an easy way to find out how much you can afford to borrow to buy a home. You should seek out an AIP before applying for a mortgage, as this will place you in a strong position as a buyer without having to undergo a full credit check.

Building survey
A building survey is an expert inspection of a property’s condition. These can identify any problems with the home to a prospective buyer using a detailed report. This ensures that the buyer won’t uncover any unwanted surprises after moving in.

A chain is formed when a group of buyers and sellers are linked together because their purchases are reliant on each other’s. If one sale falls through, this can cause a break in the chain, resulting in other sales collapsing subsequentially.

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
An EPC measures a property’s energy efficiency by rating it from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). This certificate is valid for 10 years and an in-date copy is required when selling a home.

Equity is the amount of your property you own, calculated by the amount you’ve paid off your mortgage plus your deposit.

Fixtures and fittings
Although they sound similar, there is a key distinction between fixtures and fittings. Fixtures are items in a property that are attached or ‘fixed’ to the building. Fittings, however, are items that are not attached to the property, only by screw or nail. There should be an itemised list of what is included in the sale written into your contract, but there’s no harm in offering to pay extra for certain items that aren’t included.

Gazumping and gazundering
Gazumping is a problem for buyers, as this happens when the seller accepts the offer, but later accepts a higher offer from another buyer.

Gazundering occurs when a buyer withdraws their offer and makes a lower one right before completion. This leaves the seller in a difficult position as refusing the lower offer could mean that they need to restart the whole process again with a different buyer.

Land Registry
The Land Registry is a government database containing the registrations of the owners of all property and land in England and Wales. If any important documents regarding a property are missing, this database is usually where they can be recovered from.

A mortgage is a specialist loan used to purchase a property. This loan is paid back over time with interest to the lender. All mortgage repayments made will increase the equity you have in your home. There are varying types of mortgages, each suitable for a specific set of circumstances.

Title deeds
Title deeds are a series of documents which are used as evidence of legal ownership of the property and the history of its ownership. These are required during the conveyancing process so that the ownership of the home can be passed over to the buyer.

A property valuation determines the home’s value based on its location, condition, and multiple other factors. Sellers have their property valued before deciding on an asking price, as this prevents overpricing or underselling.
Looking for your dream home? Contact us today


Are you upsizing or downsizing?


Are you wanting another bathroom or a larger garden? Have you got empty space you’re wanting to escape from? When choosing your next dream home, you can be faced with all sorts of questions, and we want to ensure you are taking a step in the right direction. Both upsizing and downsizing have their own unique set of advantages, and these options cater to different needs and lifestyles.

Everyone will experience upsizing and downsizing throughout their lifetime in the property market, so, let’s discover what’s right for your next property move.


Benefits of upsizing

Is Upsizing the Right Move?

Upsizing is one of the most attractive parts of moving houses, as you really feel like you’re finally moving up the property ladder. There are clear advantages when it comes to upsizing, but is it right for you?


Additional space

One of the main reasons to upsize your property is for the additional space it includes. There could be a variety of reasons why you need or want this space. This could be led by becoming recently married, wishing to create a family, or desiring a new space for working or certain hobbies. This would create a comfortable living environment for you and your family.

Social life

Having a larger amount of space allows you to host and entertain events, creating an exciting and fulfilling environment around you. This could enhance your social life and mental wellbeing all while creating long-lasting memories within the walls of your new home.

Future investment

Upsizing is an investment, but it is a more financially challenging one. Larger houses get higher in value as time goes on, allowing you to make money over a long period of time. It is very important to ensure you are financially stable before upsizing, as it takes a lot of upkeep and attention to maintain the value of the larger property.

Benefits of downsizing

Simpler lifestyle

The key to downsizing your house is to simplify your way of life. Having a smaller home allows you to focus more on your life outside of your home. Maybe you now have empty space within your home, as all your family have flown the nest and you’re not a homebird anymore, which encouraged you to downsize.


Finacial security

69% of homeowners who have downsized in the past said their primary reason was to save money.* Downsizing gives you more financial freedom, as your monthly payments will be reduced. This will also lead to a reduction in the maintenance of a property and its general upkeep, freeing up your time.

Location change

Downsizing could also give you the advantage of moving to a different location for a property, as prices differentiate in different areas, meaning you might have to reduce the size of your property to move to a new location. People assume downsizing is a backwards step when moving along the property ladder, but occasionally it can suit your lifestyle better and should be accepted.

Which one is right for you?

Whether you’re leaning towards upsizing because of the comfort and luxury of moving up the property ladder or you want the simplified life of downsizing, it's key to align the reasons with your lifestyle and determine which one would suit you. Your choice of where to move next should be a personal choice and preference for whatever suits your lifestyle and future.

Whichever home you choose, whether you upsize or downsize, ensure you choose correctly by comparing the advantages of each.


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Your guide to first-time buyer schemes

It can be challenging to get started as a first-time buyer, but fortunately, there are a number of schemes available that can assist you with the process and help you get on the property ladder. Let’s take a look at five different schemes available to first-time buyers, the main advantages of each of them, and which of them you could be eligible for.


The mortgage guarantee scheme

The mortgage guarantee scheme enables first-time buyers to purchase a property with as little as a 5% deposit by encouraging lenders to offer 95% loan-to-value mortgages. This means that 95% of the property’s purchase price can be borrowed. 

The scheme includes a government guarantee, which means that if the buyer defaults on payments, the government will compensate the mortgage lender. It is available to any first-time buyer, as long as the property they are purchasing is worth less than £600,000.

One of the main advantages of the mortgage guarantee scheme is the fact that first-time buyers can enter the market sooner, avoiding years of saving for a deposit. Also, with the government essentially acting as a guarantor, lenders are more willing to offer loans to first-time buyers with smaller deposits, increasing their chances of owning a home.


The shared ownership scheme

The shared ownership scheme helps low-income individuals and first-time buyers own a home by enabling them to buy a portion of a property while renting the remaining percentage. Buyers can purchase a share between 10% and 75% and increase their share whenever they are ready to do so.

If you're a first-time buyer with a household income of £80,000 or less (90,000 in London) and can't afford the entire deposit and mortgage payments on a home, you will be considered eligible for shared ownership.

This scheme offers an affordable way for individuals to step onto the property ladder by splitting the cost of purchasing a home, particularly in areas they may otherwise be priced out of. The fact that you can increase your share of ownership by gradually purchasing additional shares in the property allows you to eventually reach full ownership.


The lifetime Individual Savings Account (ISA)

A Lifetime ISA helps first-time buyers save for a deposit by topping up their savings account once a year. Buyers can save up to £4,000 per year, and the government adds an additional 25% on top of the amount they save, reducing the amount of time it takes to save up for a first home.

To open a lifetime ISA, you must be aged between 18 and 40, however you can keep topping it up until you’re 50. Help to buy ISA is a very similar scheme to this, but it has been closed to new applicants since 2019. Despite this, anyone who opened a help to buy ISA before this date can continue to use it.

A key benefit of a lifetime ISA is that it’s a tax-free method of growing your savings. It is also a versatile option because the funds can be used to purchase your first home or saved for retirement.


The first homes scheme

This scheme offers first-time buyers discounts of 30% to 50% on new-build homes, so long as it is your primary residence. This discount is available on new homes built by a developer and homes that are purchased through an estate agent, which were previously bought through the scheme.

To be eligible for the first homes scheme, you must be aged 18 or over, be a first-time buyer, and be able to secure a mortgage for at least 50% of the home’s value. Like the shared ownership scheme, your household income must be £80,000 or lower (£90,000 in London). Councils may set their own local eligibility criteria, prioritising individuals such as key workers, people who already live in the area, and those on lower incomes.

The main advantage of the first homes scheme is that it gives you the opportunity to purchase a home at a significantly reduced price, which helps with affordability. Also, by prioritising local applicants, some councils ensure individuals can purchase a home in the area they are already familiar with.


The help to build equity loan scheme

The help to build equity loan scheme is useful for first-time buyers who are looking to build their own home. This scheme offers a five-year, interest-free loan to supplement a buyer's 5% deposit. The equity loan amount ranges from 5% to 20% of the overall estimated cost.

This scheme is eligible to anyone who is building a home or hiring someone to do so for them. The loan can be used to buy land, convert a commercial property into a residential property, and demolish an existing property to build a new one. It cannot, however, be used to build more than one home, to buy upgrades on your current home, or build a second home.

The help to build equity loan scheme enables buyers to fund their self-build projects while remaining within budget. By building your own home, you have the opportunity to create equity from day one, potentially increasing the value of your property over time.


Looking to buy your first home?


The landlord’s guide to gas safety responsibilities


Landlords have a duty of care, which means they are responsible for running a safe and compliant home. One of the most important measures is completing up-to-date safety checks on any gas appliances within the property, as these can pose a risk if left unchecked.

In this guide, we’ll cover all the key responsibilities expected of landlords to protect themselves and their tenants against gas hazards.

What are my responsibilities for gas safety?
As a landlord, it’s important to be aware of and tend to all of your responsibilities when it comes to gas safety.

The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations outline what landlords need to do to keep their rental properties safe:
  • Any gas equipment you supply must be safely installed by a Gas Safe registered engineer.
  • You must also have a registered engineer complete an annual gas safety check on all appliances and flues.
  • Your tenants must receive a gas safety check record before they move into the property, or within 28 days of the check.
The legislation also outlines three legal responsibilities:
  • Completing gas safety checks
  • Maintaining a Landlord Gas Safety Record
  • Maintenance of all gas pipework, appliances, chimneys, and flues
What is a Landlord’s Gas Safety record?
Gas Safety Records are a legal document that the gas engineer must provide upon completion of any work. A Landlord’s Gas Safety Record is similar and is required for any rented property in the UK. One of the key differences is that the Landlord’s Gas Safety Record must be provided to the tenants as well as a copy kept by you or your letting agent as proof that safety checks are being conducted regularly.

The law states that a copy of this record must be issued to current tenants within 28 days of safety checks and at the start of a tenancy for new tenants.

What happens if my property fails its gas safety check?
If the engineer finds any defects while testing your property, they will indicate this on the certificate by ticking the “Not safe to use” checkbox for the faulty appliance.

There are several different codes to indicate that appliances are unsafe for use:
  • Immediately Dangerous (ID) – This is an appliance that poses an immediate danger to life.
  • At Risk (AR) - If an appliance or installation has at least one fault that could pose a danger to life, it will be labelled as AR.
  • Not to Current Standards (NCS) – This refers to an appliance or installation that does not meet current standards but is technically safe.
If any immediate dangers are flagged up, your engineer will request permission to disconnect the gas supply and advise you on any remedial work that needs to be done to resolve the issues.

How to check your property’s appliances ?
With every new gas appliance, make sure to check the manufacturer’s guidelines to find out how often a service is recommended. If you cannot find any guidelines on this, it’s best to complete an annual service. Additionally, a Gas Safety engineer will be able to advise you on whether an appliance needs more check-ups than what is typically recommended.

Gas safety tips for landlords
Providing your tenants with information on how to keep themselves safe is key. Make sure they know exactly where and how to turn the gas on and off and what procedure to follow in case of a gas emergency. You can outline this in your tenancy agreement or arrange a visit to go through this with them in person.

It’s also vital that you ensure that you only instruct Gas Safe registered and qualified engineers to conduct checks on the property. This is a legal requirement for landlords and is an integral step in ensuring that the home is safe to live in.

A typical gas safety check will not cover installation pipework, so make sure to ask your engineer to take a look at it when they conduct a gas safety check.

Can letting agents take ownership of gas responsibilities?
If you instruct a letting agent, they can take on all legal and safety obligations related to your property, ensuring that it remains compliant and that you and your tenants are safe. Having an expert on your side can also save you a great deal of time from the moment your property is first marketed until the deposit is returned, allowing you a hassle-free experience.
Need help managing your buy-to-let property? Contact our dedicated team today

Buying a new build vs. an old build home

When purchasing the perfect property for you to call home in the UK, there is such a wide variety available in the housing market to choose from. In the UK, the government is attempting to reach a goal of 300,000 new homes built per year to keep up with the high demand and increase in population. * Some people prefer the character of an old building, while others crave a new blank canvas.

When buying your perfect property, new builds and old builds will both be available, so we are here to compare the two and decide which home suits you.

What’s the difference between a new build and an old build?
YWhen purchasing a home, you must compare the different types of properties. Whether you would prefer a one-bed apartment in a city or a four-bed house in the country, you need to decide which home best suits your lifestyle. This is the same when it comes to choosing a new-build or an old-build property. A newly built property has never been lived in before and is sometimes designed particularly to what you desire. An old building is a property with lots of character, history, nd several previous owners. So, there are extreme differences between an old-build and a new-build home. Do you want a move-in-ready home or a potential property adventure?

What are the positives of purchasing a new build property?
When buying a new home, it is most likely that you will buy the property before it has even been built. This allows you to add certain personalisation’s to the home, like the room layout, light and power placements. It is most likely to be a more energy-efficient home, as newly built homes must meet certain requirements. This means the home's EPC rating will be excellent when you want to sell or rent out your property. Another benefit of a new build is that it never has a chain of properties attached to it, decreasing the chances of your move falling through. It is known that when buying a new home, you have more access to better mortgages and shared ownership options. This increases your chances of owning a property earlier than the average first-time buyer.

What are the negatives of buying a new build property?
A new build isn’t always the best choice for every home buyer, and they can be made more accessible for first-time buyers. New builds aren’t always built on the timeline you planned, creating delays in your moving timeline. New builds aren’t for everyone, but they create the perfect, comfortable step on your property ladder. When buying a new build, you are the first owner, however you may less have less scope to carry out home improvements. There is normally no community built yet, and there is no previous seller to tell you how amazing it is to live at that location.

What are the positives of buying an old build property?
When purchasing an older period home, there are many benefits that come with the purchase. The homes normally have larger square footage, with bigger rooms creating more space. They are well structured, built with thicker walls, and surrounded by more land. Older properties hold valuable character and history, which cannot compete with a new build. You can easily add value to these properties by renovating and redecorating, creating a modern twist. Old build properties will only increase in value over the years unless they are poorly looked after.

What are the negatives of buying an old build property?
When buying an old building, you normally get tangled within a long chain of properties. This is because for people to afford to buy their next home, they must ensure their past property is sold, creating this chain of properties. Old builds normally need constant maintenance and renovation when purchased, but these are spotted quite easily in an old build and normally bought as an exciting project. These homes will have lower EPC ratings as they weren’t built with high energy efficiency, but they can always be improved in the future.

What’s the difference in price between an old build and a new build?
When purchasing between an old build and a new build, there is not much of a price difference. The price is slightly higher for a new build, only because it has never been lived in before. An old build costs less, but you will most likely need to redecorate and renovate parts of the property.
Are you searching for a new home? Contact us today to check out our range of dream homes.



Buying a new build vs. an old build home

When purchasing the perfect property for you to call home in the UK, there is such a wide variety available in the housing market to choose from. In the UK, the government is attempting to reach a goal of 300,000 new homes built per year to keep up with the high demand and increase in population. * Some people prefer the character of an old building, while others crave a new blank canvas.

When buying your perfect property, new builds and old builds will both be available, so we are here to compare the two and decide which home suits you.

What’s the difference between a new build and an old build?
YWhen purchasing a home, you must compare the different types of properties. Whether you would prefer a one-bed apartment in a city or a four-bed house in the country, you need to decide which home best suits your lifestyle. This is the same when it comes to choosing a new-build or an old-build property. A newly built property has never been lived in before and is sometimes designed particularly to what you desire. An old building is a property with lots of character, history, nd several previous owners. So, there are extreme differences between an old-build and a new-build home. Do you want a move-in-ready home or a potential property adventure?

What are the positives of purchasing a new build property?
When buying a new home, it is most likely that you will buy the property before it has even been built. This allows you to add certain personalisation’s to the home, like the room layout, light and power placements. It is most likely to be a more energy-efficient home, as newly built homes must meet certain requirements. This means the home's EPC rating will be excellent when you want to sell or rent out your property. Another benefit of a new build is that it never has a chain of properties attached to it, decreasing the chances of your move falling through. It is known that when buying a new home, you have more access to better mortgages and shared ownership options. This increases your chances of owning a property earlier than the average first-time buyer.

What are the negatives of buying a new build property?
A new build isn’t always the best choice for every home buyer, and they can be made more accessible for first-time buyers. New builds aren’t always built on the timeline you planned, creating delays in your moving timeline. New builds aren’t for everyone, but they create the perfect, comfortable step on your property ladder. When buying a new build, you are the first owner, however you may less have less scope to carry out home improvements. There is normally no community built yet, and there is no previous seller to tell you how amazing it is to live at that location.

What are the positives of buying an old build property?
When purchasing an older period home, there are many benefits that come with the purchase. The homes normally have larger square footage, with bigger rooms creating more space. They are well structured, built with thicker walls, and surrounded by more land. Older properties hold valuable character and history, which cannot compete with a new build. You can easily add value to these properties by renovating and redecorating, creating a modern twist. Old build properties will only increase in value over the years unless they are poorly looked after.

What are the negatives of buying an old build property?
When buying an old building, you normally get tangled within a long chain of properties. This is because for people to afford to buy their next home, they must ensure their past property is sold, creating this chain of properties. Old builds normally need constant maintenance and renovation when purchased, but these are spotted quite easily in an old build and normally bought as an exciting project. These homes will have lower EPC ratings as they weren’t built with high energy efficiency, but they can always be improved in the future.

What’s the difference in price between an old build and a new build?
When purchasing between an old build and a new build, there is not much of a price difference. The price is slightly higher for a new build, only because it has never been lived in before. An old build costs less, but you will most likely need to redecorate and renovate parts of the property.
Are you searching for a new home? Contact us today to check out our range of dream homes.



Estate agent vs. Property auction: which property sale suits you?


When you're attempting to sell your home, before you even consider placing it on the market, you need to decide what your goals are. Do you want a quick sale? Or do you want a big return on investment? There are several ways you can sell your home, and they all come with different benefits, but which property sale suits you?

Different ways to sell your property

There are two main methods for placing your property on the market: selling it through an estate agent or at auction. 

Selling it through an estate agent gives you a higher chance of achieving a sale at a well-reflected price, as selling it at auction can result in a quick and simple sale, but it may also undervalue the property. The fees are slightly higher for selling your property through an auction compared to enlisting the help of an estate agent.

What are the benefits of selling by auction?

The buyer is required to pay a 10% deposit almost immediately, and the majority of properties at auction are 'chain-free', reducing the likelihood of the sale falling through.

Auctions can be a quick selling method: your home is marketed for 3–4 weeks to gain attention, and then the auction takes place, hopefully leading to a successful sale.

What are the benefits of selling with an estate agent?

Selling your home through an estate agent comes at a lower fee and a higher asking price for your home. This allows you to achieve the maximum amount of profit on your property, as they are able to pin down buyers who are willing to pay a well-reflected, reasonable price against the market.

Selling through an estate agent broadens the buyer pool, as many buyers tend to overlook auctions due to their perception of potential fixer-uppers or problematic properties.

So, which property sale suits you?

The key takeaway is that selling your property at an auction could give you a faster sale, while estate agents tend to deliver a higher selling price for a lower fee.

If you're not concerned about the time it will take for your property to sell and you're looking for the highest possible price, an estate agent is your best option. Overall, you are more likely to achieve a higher price when you sell through an estate agent.


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Why selling now could be your best move

As summer concludes and autumn approaches, homeowners have a final opportunity to finalise their move before the year ends. While each season brings its own set of advantages and challenges, there are compelling reasons why now might be the perfect moment to make your move. Let’s look at why now is a great time to sell your home and maximise your profits.

Sales agreed is high

All the evidence shows that the market has been very active in recent months, with Zoopla’s House Price Index showing that the number of new sales agreed increased by 8% between June 2023 and June 2024.*

This indicates a robust market, in which movers have plenty of confidence and are prepared to move quickly. When buyers are pro-active and already have the necessary finances in place, chains move faster and are less likely to break, reducing the likelihood of your move falling through.

Demand has also increased

As you may expect, with sales agreed being so high, demand also increased over the course of 12 months, with Zoopla showing an increase of 6%*. As confident buyers look to secure their dream move, sellers are able to find a buyer without having to wait for too long, speeding up the whole process.

A major benefit of high demand is that it often leads to competitive bidding, which can drive up the price of your property and increase the amount you receive. Additionally, having multiple potential buyers gives you the freedom to negotiate a completion date that suits you, allowing you to move quickly and take advantage of the busy market.

More homes are for sale

The number of homes for sale is a further indication of consumer confidence in the market, with an astonishing increase of 19%.* This gives the market a lot of variety in the types of properties available, allowing more people to find their dream home with less hassle.

With more properties on the market, you have greater scope to narrow down your search and find a property that perfectly matches your needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for a particular style, size, or location, the increased inventory makes it easier to find your dream home instead of settling for something that isn’t quite right for you.

House price overvalued

Zoopla estimates an 8% overvaluation in house prices,* indicating that properties are currently selling for more than their true value. While this may initially sound like a negative, it actually makes now a great time to move, as it gives sellers the perfect opportunity to sell at a higher price and release a larger amount of equity.

Selling in an overvalued market can provide you with the capital needed to move up the property ladder to a more desirable home or a better location. However, it's crucial to move quickly, as Zoopla anticipates the 8% overvalue to vanish by the year's end as house prices return to their true value by the end of 2024.*


Ready to make your move? Book a valuation today

Zoopla’s House Price Index*

Higher rental yields despite higher interest rates for landlords 


While interest rates are becoming more competitive, they are still not at the ultra-low levels of the past. If you are a property investor, there is no doubt that this will increase your costs. However, the good news is that despite the higher cost of borrowing, rental yields are higher.

More rental homes are needed 

According to an analysis conducted by Rightmove, 120,000 rental properties are needed, helping to increase average rents in the UK by 7% on average compared to last year outside of London.* There are no quick fixes to this level of demand, and even if there were, there would still be a demand growth level of 2%.*      

What are rental yields?

Rental yields help you calculate your return on investment (ROI) by giving you the percentage annual return your property generates against its purchase price.

Gross rental yield 

To calculate gross rental yield, simply divide annual rental income by the purchase price of the property and multiply by 100.  

Net rental yield 

To calculate this, simply subtract expenses such as mortgage payments or maintenance costs from your annual rental income and divide by the purchase price of the property, then multiply by 100.

Increasing rental yields 

According to Zoopla, the average rental yield in the UK sat at 5.60% based on the average purchase price of a buy-to-let property of £261,897, with an average monthly rent of £1223.** According to Fleet Mortgages, average rental yields for 2024 Q2 stood at 7.6%, which is an increase of 1% compared with the same time last year.***  

More competitive interest rates and the ‘new normal’ 

With a new government helping to breathe more certainty into the UK property market and inflationary targets being met, there are expectations of more competitive buy-to-let mortgages appearing. There is also a sentiment that interest rates are now at a ‘new normal’. Perhaps they were too low for too long, and because of this, buyers and investors became accustomed to unsustainably low interest rates. If you go further back in time, interest rates could reach double figures, so in the grand scheme of things todays rates represent good value. However, existing landlords may benefit from greater levels of equity, reducing their mortgage costs. 

Take the long-term view

Taking a long-term approach to investing in the buy-to-let market throws up a lot of potential advantages. As you gain equity in your property as your buy-to-let mortgage balance reduces, while your property’s value potentially increases, you could enjoy the benefits of a solid investment. Investing in fixer-upper properties and making savvy investments in up-and-coming areas are ways of potentially increasing your ROI more rapidly.


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Rightmove July 2024*
Zoopla April 2024**
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The 10 steps to successful home renovations


If you're considering upgrading a potential property through a home renovation, it can be an exciting process, but it can also present challenges. Instead of buying a move-in-ready property, you have the option of renovating a character-filled, fixer-upper. We have compiled 10 steps to follow to guarantee success throughout a home renovation.

Step one: Find a property and make a renovation plan

With our 10 steps to successful renovations, you can easily lay out a plan and begin your renovation journey. But to begin your renovation adventure, you need to find the right property. Study potential properties and uncover their hidden value.

Make sure to have a survey completed. The most detailed survey you can receive for a property is a level 3 survey, which is the most thorough analysis of the entire property’s building structure and condition. The overall report provides extensive details, including recommendations, estimated costs, and a timeline for any necessary work. This can help you produce a solid plan and give you an idea of where to start.

Step two: Understand your legalities

When you decide to complete renovations on a property, you need to understand the legalities. This will include ensuring you have planning permission in place (if needed). Even though plenty of home alterations don’t need planning permission, it’s always beneficial to check before diving straight in. You can apply for planning permission before you purchase a property.

Once you exchange contracts and have secured your property, it will be your responsibility to have the right insurance in place. Home insurance during renovations can come at a higher expense, but it is worth every penny as it provides you with peace of mind throughout the entire process.

Although a house warranty is not a requirement when renovating your property, it protects you from any flaws in the potential design, materials, or overall build quality, and will also cover any problems that occur for 10 years as a result of these factors.

Step three: Calculate your costs

Correct cost alignment is crucial for delivering a successful renovation project. You're looking to get the best value for money. Being vigilant about potential hidden costs is crucial to staying within the right budget. Always overbudget by 10% to provide yourself with flexibility, and you can utilise any remaining funds for enhancing your home's interior design or landscaping your ideal garden.

Step four: Understand EPC and ways you could improve it

If you’re renovating your home, consider the future and its resale value. Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) are now more important than ever in terms of increasing value; the future may create difficulties for homes without a good EPC score, so the quicker you take this into account, the better.

You can enhance your EPC rating by installing insulation in your home and surrounding pipes, replacing light bulbs with energy-efficient ones, upgrading your boiler and heating system, installing solar panels, a smart meter, and installing double or triple-glazed windows.

Step five: Discover a trustworthy contractor

This is a crucial step because this individual will bring your ideas to life. Become your own project manager and oversee the entire project, and if you’re a seasoned pro, get stuck in and knock a few walls down. Shop arounFd, gather ideas from different contractors, and take into account positive references and reviews.

Step six: Organise the removal of materials

A renovation project always leads to plenty of waste, especially if the demolition of walls is part of the plan. By organising a skip hire for the property, you can create less hassle for everyone involved, and the skip hire company will be able to dispose of the materials. You could potentially sell certain elements of the property to generate additional revenue.

Step seven: Protect the property’s original features

The main attraction when you buy a fixer-upper is the original character features. These can easily be rediscovered and highlighted throughout the home renovation, adding a timeless charm to the property. By utilising these original features, you have a chance to save some money on new materials. Particular attention should be paid to certain features such as:

  • Windows
  • Flooring
  • Fireplaces
  • Ceilings
  • Borders

While renovating, remain careful around these areas to avoid potential damage to the original features.

Step eight: Update your plumbing and electrics

Even though rewiring and plumbing are expensive renovations, they're definitely worth it. This allows you to add certain light features or bathroom looks that suit your lifestyle. By completing this, you could also add characteristics that cut down your energy bill and increase your EPC rating, improving the property’s end value.

Step nine: Turn structural problems into upgrades

While the property is stripped back, this gives you the perfect opportunity to fix or improve any structural issues in the home. This allows you to match the home to modern-day living, potentially creating an open-plan living space or inserting large bi-fold doors leading to the garden.

Take a look at the floor plan, external and internal features, and identify the potential characteristics it could offer. Is there conversion potential for the loft, basement, or garage?  Identifying these key potentials can present a substantial increase in your property’s value.

Step ten: Create a snagging list

As you finalise the property by adding all your interior and décor, you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

What is a snagging list?

A snagging list typically indicates that the home renovation is complete. This is an inspection completed at the end of building work to identify any minor defects and meet the standards you expect, potentially achieving perfection.

Examine your completed project and pinpoint any minor issues you wish to address or monitor to allow issues to be flagged up in a timely manner. The contractor can assist in resolving these issues, ensuring a flawless completion of the project.


Ready to start your renovation journey? Contact us today to find your
potential fixer-upper


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