Tips to reduce stress during a move

Tips to reduce stress during a move


We have all heard it before. “Moving is one of the most stressful things you can do.” Compared with many other more serious predicaments in life this is of course not true. Like flying to the moon or near-death experiences! However, it’s right up there with the big stuff like your career and relationships according to some experts.   

It’s got everything, back aching lifting large furniture through narrow spaces, to worrying about paperwork, to the emotional roller coaster ride of saying goodbye to friends and family you might not see for a while, then the elation and excitement of a new home and maybe a new life. With all this going on it’s easy to get stressed. There is so much to think about.  We have come up with a few tips to help you make the big move less stressful by breaking it down into manageable pieces.       


The sooner you start the better  

The longer you put things off the more they fester in your mind. Instead of simply packing a few things earlier you will become stressed thinking about the huge task ahead. Start with the little things. Stuff you don’t use often, an hour here and hour there. Don’t make it a task. Then you are already ahead of the game.  


Come up with a plan 

Make a nice cup of coffee or tea, or something stronger! Sit down and relax, then scribble down a plan. Don’t just write a list, instead in numerical or alphabetical order, perhaps using titles such as – the happy day, for when you move in.  Breaking your tasks down like this will help you keep calm and gives you a plan to stick to while reducing the chances of the unexpected. Perhaps have a packing section, a pre-move checklist and a post-move check list, to deal with change of address! 



It’s always a good idea to create a budget. Moving can be expensive and the more time you give yourself to plan the costs and see where you could save the better. If you are using a removals company, shop around, while they will make your life easier, if the cost is more than you can afford you may find yourself stressing over money.   


Don’t forget yourself! 

Your mind will be teeming with everything to do with your new home. Remember to look after yourself, plan breaks on the big day - a time to eat and a time to rest.  When you get stressed, remember to breathe. When you move in, sort the bedrooms first. This process will take a few days and you will need to sleep well. Perhaps pack a self-care box, so you are not frantically looking for something that is essential to you.   



Say your goodbyes  

Regarding looking after yourself remember to set aside some time to say goodbye. It’s important to do this and if you do not plan it a little you may find you are trying to do too much at once; packing, while saying goodbye. It could cause an emotional and stress overload!   



There is no doubt following these steps will reduce your stress levels massively and with a bit of luck you will be able to enjoy the big move! 


Can’t wait to move into your forever home or looking to make your first big move?  Get in touch. 


